Sore Neck Pregnant Is It Normal To Have Sore Lymph Nodes In The Neck Whilst Pregnant?

Is it normal to have sore Lymph Nodes in the neck whilst pregnant? - sore neck pregnant

On both sides of the neck near my throat (which I assume are) my lymph nodes.

If it is not normal, sensitive to touch during pregnancy?


Carrie C said...

No. .. Perhaps you have a sore throat in the future? I would it would it checked by your doctor. Lymph nodes may also be a sign of cancer ... Not that it probably ... Cancer, but occurs in the lymph nodes in the neck and armpits. It is more than likely, sore throat. See your doctor for treatment.

ProudMam... said...

Not necessarily be painful, but I had two great men who come behind the ear .... one of them wounded, and the other not. They went from 3-4 days. Add your call if you nervous DOC. I think it is normal! Good Luck :-)

tankgirl... said...

Interesting .. When I saw the doc this week about my lymph nodes (neck pain and fever as well) asked me if I am pregnant? .. then it is perhaps a sign .. but I have a sore throat.

xdarkclo... said...

It's normal to have lymph nodes in the neck, which are almost all parts of the body. If nothing is done badly swollen and he is not infected. Lymph nodes if an infection in your body and get rid of him swell. If the pain worsens or if enlarged lymph nodes in size, could be a cyst or something else that doctors should consider.

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